Tag Archives: maps

2020 Maps of Upper Valley Representatives

Below are some visualization tools for Grafton County.

The towns of the Upper Valley Democrats




The 4 regional zones (Democratic Committees) of the Grafton County Democrats (Double click  on map to enlarge.)



2020 NH House General Election results (Click on title to enlarge)



2020 State Senate District Map (Click on title to enlarge)

2020 NH State Senate Map PDF


The Executive Council 

The Upper Valley Democrats are in District 1.

The Executive Council of the State of New Hampshire has the authority and responsibility, together with the Governor, over the administration of the affairs of the State.  Each of the five Executive Councilors represents one fifth of the population or approximately 263,000 citizens. Some of  the Executive Council’s responsibilities are:

  • Approval of both receipt and expenditures of state and federal funds, budgetary transfers within the department and all personal service contracts with a value of $10,000 and all contracts with a value of $25,000.
  • The Executive Council approves the appointments of Judges, Commissioners, Notary Public, Justice of Peace, Commissioners of Deeds and hears Pardon Requests.
  • The Executive Council plays a vital role in improving the state’s infrastructure, especially roads and bridges, via management and oversight of the state’s 10 year Highway Plan.

Currently there is one Democratic Executive Councilor in District 2, the other 4 are Republicans.