Red Alert! First Bill in Congress!

Since we last communed, a few life-shaking things have happened . . . one thing–the massive voter turnout and success in Georgia is enough for its own celebratory holiday . . . the other has sent most of us back to wallow in wine, bingeing on ice cream (or is it just me (Barbara)). We are still talking close to 50% of the population voted for this sector and a whooping 45% of Republicans think storming the Capitol was OK. We need to push the eject button.

Please take a minute to read the op-ed piece by Rep. David Meuse from Portsmouth, below. He pretty much lays out the case that New Hampshire is no different than the rest of the country and the barn door is open for the same kind of display at our own capitol. The party in charge is showing little ability to reason, honk once for yes, blink your lights for ???  And this quote: “the loss of face for a country once revered as a beacon of freedom . . . is now regarded by many as the world’s largest lunatic asylum.” says it all.

So where do we go from here? first—If ever there was a bill presented to Congress that should be passed ASAP it is HR 1. This bill addresses campaign reform, gerrymandering, financing and corruption in a way that would change the political landscape for a very long time. Please please read the report below and contact Annie Kuster to push for this bill’s passage on January 21.

Then we need to prepare for 2022. All our towns have chairpeople who are part of the Grafton County Dems. If you have the time and desire to make a change there will be opportunities coming up. We will keep you in the loop. We need to get people energized to register and to see the consequences of sitting these elections out. Lots to do—calls to make, emails to write.

So, welcome to 2021! Let’s hang in there and get the jab when it’s offered. And hope for an end to multiple plagues.

Click here for the full post!

  • Immediate: For the People Act Bill H.R.1 Urgent Action
  • Rep. Meuse Opinion: It Can Happen Here Too
  • Democratic Leader Cushing responds to anti-Semitic post by Republican House member
  • January 25, 6.30 p.m., UVD Caucus, Agenda

Edits to the Bylaws

The proposed edits to the bylaws, in red,  will be voted on in the Upper Valley Democrat caucus on January 25, 2021.

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Please email if you have any questions or if you cannot see the document. Thank you.

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