Climate Forum, State Convention, Debate Watch Party and more!

This is such a critical time for all Dems . . . we are able to watch all these amazing candidates flog their wares up close and personally. In addition to that, there are TV opportunities. Pull out your sleeping bags for a very long evening on September 4 with CNN’s Climate Change forum. Each major candidate will receive an in-depth, 40-minute interview. By the end of the seven-hour marathon we should have clear ideas of where our favorites and potential favs stand on this critical issue. Am I overusing that word? CRITICAL??

There are special events in Lebanon–September 12 Democratic Debates are preceded by a ‘Meet Your Lebanon Rep’ session at Gusanoz. Then attend the debate watch party at Gusanoz as well. What a great way to spend an evening! And finally, we, the UV Dems, are back with our regular programming on September 23rd.

In other words, this upcoming month is jam-packed with must-do events. So read the following carefully, sign up if necessary and SHOW UP. Your participation in the next few months will be, you guessed it, CRITICAL.

Calendar items:

  • September 4, Climate Crisis Town Hall, CNN, 5 p.m.-midnight;
  • September 5,  Elizabeth Warren 2020 Campaign Office OPENING, Lebanon, 1:45 p.m.;
  • September 5, Senator Shaheen in Hanover, 6 p.m.;
  • September 7, NHDP 2019 State Convention, some free tickets;

Registration is closed but campaigns are offering tickets if you want to attend:

Team AmyClick here!
Bernie Campaign: Contact Arjun Shreekumar;
Beto Campaign: Contact Nancy Murray;
Booker 2020: Contact Erin Turmelle;
Pete’s Campaign: Click here for free tickets! or click here For Pete section, tickets, and to get a Pete shirt. Click on “Claim your ticket here,” use promo code “MayorPete”; select a ticket block; in COMPLIMENTARY TICKET box, click on + til you get to 1; click “CONTINUE” in the blue box; enter contact info and confirm. Contact Chris for help.

For more details on all events,