Monday, July 22, at 6:30 p.m.

Doors open at 6 p.m.
Mascoma Valley Regional High School Community Auditorium.
27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH 03741

This program is part of the Upper Valley Democrats monthly program series supported by a NEGEF grant and is open to the public. Bring your friends.

Paris to Pittsburgh brings to life the impassioned efforts of individuals who are battling the most severe threats of climate change in their own backyards. Set against the national debate over the United States’ energy future — and the Trump administration’s explosive decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement — the film captures what’s at stake for communities around the country and the inspiring ways Americans are responding.

Following the film, you’ll have the opportunity to hear our expert panelists — Kim Quirk, Energy Emporium and Enfield Energy Committee; Chuck Townsend, Canaan Energy Committee; Charlie DePuy, Enfield Energy Committee; Judith Colla, local Sierra Club; and Catherine Corkery, New Hampshire Sierra Club  discuss the film and local climate issues and environmental efforts in the Upper Valley.


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