Grafton County Democrats Annual Meeting, this Saturday, May 30!

The Grafton County Democrats* are inviting all of us to their annual general meeting this Saturday, May 30, at 10 a.m. on ZOOM.

Please join us!

This meeting is open to all Democrats in Grafton County.

Chair, Sarah Daniels-Campbell will lead the discussion. We will be focusing on taking care of the business of the Grafton County Democrats, hearing updates about our regional committees, and learning more about the Coordinated Campaign.

Please use the link to sign up!

*The Grafton County Democrats acts to support four dynamic regional committees (Upper Valley Democrats, Northern Grafton Democrats, Mascoma Forward, Plymouth Area Democrats) by providing assistance in the recruitment of candidates, aiding in the development of robust town committees and amplifying the voice of our region at the state and local level.

Hope to see you there!

For the rest of the email, click here: 

SOS guidelines on voting and Absentee Ballots!

Our town clerks are soon to be inundated with requests for absentee ballots for the primary and the general elections. The thing we can do to alleviate their stress is to get our requests in now. Get this one task out of the way so we can aid others in applying for their Absentee Ballots if they are reticent to vote in person.

If you get a chance, watch our UVDems program from Monday last. Russ Muirhead lays it out . . . we need to win this, to state the obvious, the stakes could not be higher.

Of course there are volunteer needs/opportunities listed below—ballot inspectors are needed and it is definitely something we can all do. Let’s.

Remember, the Coordinated Campaign supports all the Dems up for reelection. They have kicked off the campaign and will soon be looking for volunteers–all hands on deck! And if you have Republican-registered friends who have seen the light, please please remind them that the deadline for switching parties is June 2. This is a new rule so spread the word.

Finally, there is a link to a regular Open Democracy Action meeting set for Fridays at 2 p.m. or Sundays at 7 p.m if you can’t make it during the week.  They are devoted to voter rights. This is a critical, important task that needs as much support as we can give. Check in if you have the time.

Enjoy these very special summer days and stay safe!

Items in our latest email below! Click HERE to read full email.